Friday, November 18, 2011

BASIC HR Services Department - Overview of Services

The purpose of my website is to inform visitors of the services I perform at work as well as giving visitors an overview of the services as a whole and why they are important. Employers are faced with many legal obstacles everyday and to help to cut costs and ensure all legal procedures are followed many will hire third party administrators such as BASIC. This also takes any internal bias, or perceived internal bias, and shifts it to a third party. This allows an employers’ HR department to shift focus to more personal issues related to their employees. I included each service my department provides in a separate section to describe the purpose of each service and why it is important to an employer.
• Dependent Verification Audits: This helps employer ensure only legal dependents are enrolled on medical insurance plans and dependents that should be on medical insurance plans are removed. This can brings hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings to the client.
• FMLA: This sometimes complicated law should be left to the professionals due to all of the situations that arise and how notifications must be followed under a strict timeframe and time used must be tracked accurately. There are many black and white areas to the law to be interpreted and a third party administrator is able to process, track, and administer free from bias.
• HR Consulting: Many employers who decide to keep the services “in house” still need consulting from time to time. Be it an unemployment insurance hearing, complicated FMLA issues, or a whole host of employee discrimination issues. This service is essential to avoid litigation.
• Premium Consolidation: This saves an employer time and ensures benefits are enrolled and termed in a timely manner. Insurance carriers have strict timeframes to enroll and term benefits. A third party administrator is able to perform this function immediately and ensure enrollments and terminations.

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